We need to show our support and increase school spirit at LVHS & LVMS for the 2016/2017 season. For a Limited time we are going to offer special pricing on buttons as follows:
1 - photo button for $4.00 and $12.00 for 4 buttons. Regular price is $6.48 for 1 button. THIS IS AN ONLINE SPECIAL ONLY!
Click Here to Buy Your Buttons for Cheer. XC, Volleyball, & Football.
If you have already bought a button, we will refund you your money for the original button order so you can take advantage of this ONLINE only promo as soon as we see you have placed an new button order.
Please have your order in by this Sunday August 21, 2016 noon so you can pick them up at our first home game at the Vasara Photography Program Booth.