#302 - Promos, Recruitment, Social Media Kit With Printed Banner
#302 - Promos, Recruitment, Social Media Kit With Printed Banner
#302 - Promos, Recruitment, Social Media Kit With Printed Banner
BONUS - Additional BFF, Cross Promotion, Individual & Significant Other Promos taken at the studio will be added plus what is listed below if ordered by Sunday August 12th.
1 - 2 ft by 3 ft Printed Banner with proofing and retouching
2 poses picked by the player are taken, proofs are texted out to both Player and Parent for approval. Both Player & Parent must approve banner for printing.
Includes by appointment session time
Player viewed and approved images at studio.
1 - Digital File of Banner
Licensed to use for social, senior yearbook ad, booster shout banners, senior grad invites, and recruitment
Up to 2 digital promos licensed for social media campaign, recruitment, booster shout out banner, & yearbook ads
Must use hash tags when posting. We will text those to your captains.
Must Tag Vasara Photo When Posting.
We will send files to yearbook and boosters upon request.
Promos are made and distributed on a schedule. You will not receive all promos all at once. You will receive them 4 days before your scheduled time.
Vasara Sports Logo will be discretely in all promos. Please do not crop out. Remember, we are proud of our work and of you!
By purchasing this kit, you agree to the terms and conditions listed above.